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Summary in English

Together against violence

  • Do you adapt your behavior to avoid that your partner turns angry?
  • Does your partner make you feel stupid, unintelligent, foolish or appalling?
  • Has your partner ever made you feel scared, by violent or threatening behavior?
  • Have you in many ways tried to resist your partner’s violent behavior?
  • Are you as a child, seeing, hearing, or in any other way exposed to, violence in your family?
  • Are you yourself beaten or is somebody you love beaten?

Domestic violence is a crime, regardless of whether it is men’s violence against women, children who have experienced violence, violence and oppression in the name of honor, violence in same-sex relationships or women’s violence against men.

All people have the right to live in safety and autonomy, without being subject to fear of violence and other abuses.

It is often difficult to leave a relationship where oppression and violence occurs. However, there is help to be had. It is important to report crime and to seek support and help.

If you are a victim of abuse, intimidation and or violence – Please, get in touch!

Call 112 if you are in an emergency, a dangerous situation and you are in need of urgent assistance.
Call the Police on 114 14 if you need to contact the social services after office hours.

020-50 50 50 ‘Kvinnofridslinjen’
Kvinnofridslinjen is a national helpline for women who have been subjected to threats and/or violence. Relatives and friends are also welcome to call. The line is open around the clock and your call is free of charge. Your call will not appear on the telephone bill.
The staff is Swedish-speaking but will use an interpreter when necessary. Please hold while the interpreter is being connected. It may take up to 15 minutes. Kvinnofridslinjen can be accessed only within Sweden.

The web site ‘Together against violence’ is produced by authorities in collaboration against domestic violence in the county of Jämtland. The police, the county council, the public prosecution, the joint municipalities and the county administration are represented at the board of this collaboration.

Ulla Granqvist, Konstnär
Stephen Jerand, Polisområdeschef
Kristoffer Andersson
Elisabetta Rocco

Together, we can stop the domestic violence!


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